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  Cambridge Express Literature Reader 1, CCE Ed - Revised Ed. 2nd Edition

Cambridge Express Literature Reader 1, Cce Ed - Revised Ed. 2Nd Edition

by Rao

  Price : Rs 85.00
  Your Price : Rs 69.70
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  Key Features A wide selection of reading material that is informative, enjoyable and stimulating A clear and concise grammar syllabus with contextualised teaching Tasks that integrate the four language skills and grammar Tasks with varying degrees of complexity catering to learners with different learning styles Effective listening tasks based on audio material on the ICD Focus on thinking skills and study skills Effective use of CCE through unit-wise Formative Assessment activities and two FA and two SA tests Adequate help for teachers in Teachers Books and Web resources About the Book: Cambridge Express Literature Reader 1 CCE Edition: English for Schools Cambridge Express is a multi-skill, eight-level course inEnglish for the primary and the secondary schools levels. Thecourse aims to develop learners language and communication skillsthrough carefully designed, interactive tasks and exercises. The second edition of Cambridge Express is a fully updated andrevised version. The revision has been based on feedback from usersas well as experts in the field, with specific focus on therequirement of schools following Continuous and ComprehensiveEvaluation (CCE) in their curriculum. With new reading texts,additional exercises and fresh CCE material, the books providestudents and teachers with an entirely new experience in theteaching/learning of English. ISBN - 9781107639843

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