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  Operations and Supply Chain Management

Operations And Supply Chain Management

by Monisha Shekhar, S.K. Narang

  Price : Rs 390.00
  Your Price : Rs 339.30
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  This book is aimed towards the following objectives:

(I) Operations and Supply Chain Management as a part of the course curriculum for MBA, MCA and Post Graduate, courses in premier schools of Management, Indian Universities and AICTE approved institutions. This book provides knowledge and will be helpful to students in preparing for examination of Operations and Supply Chain Management, and will also improve students vision as a "future manager".

(II) The book explores how things have changed. Information Technology and globalization have changed business practices leading to immense competition. Therefore, only those organizations will survive which will provide value to the customer. This has changed the role of the practicing managers. This book provides illustrations, tool,.cases and various models which can be very usefully applied in real life situations in the industry and will help these practicing managers, professionals and entrepreneurs take a holistic view in analysis, problem solving and decision making in practical solutions in the area of operations and supply chain management.

The emphasis in this book is three fold:

(I) On Operations Management
(II) Supply Chain Management and
(III) Integration of Operations Management with Supply Chain Management

Under no circumstances, reader should take a view that with the advent of Supply Chain Management, Operations Management has become obsolete. It is the other way out. With the advent of Supply Chain Management, the importance of Operations Management has increased as now it means Operations Management should be well integrated and synchronized with supply chain management for the best results.


Book has extended focus on Supply Chain Management, but also provides substantial coverage of major operations Management topics and tools. It integrates Supply Chain Management themes like Outsourcing, New product development, business process development, information technology with traditional Operations Management.
Book provides balanced coverage of Manufacturing and Service businesses. It includes examples, tools, techniques and applications of these `tools` and techniques to Services as well.
The book has comprehensive coverage of tools and techniques of Operations Management woven with Supply Chain Management. Application of these tools and techniques has been shown by taking specific examples and Caselets from the industry.
For the purpose of application of the concepts of Operations and Supply Chain Management, Chapter 17, covers the cases. A reader can understand various concepts of Business Processes, Quality Management, Six Sigma, Capacity Management, Customer Services, Customer Value Sourcing, Logistics, Inventory through these cases.Caselets have been provided with each chapter for a better understanding of the concepts.ISBN - 9789350510612

Pages : 336
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