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  Sarkar On Specific Relief Act 16th Edition

Sarkar On Specific Relief Act 16Th Edition

by Sarkar

  Price : Rs 1045.00
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  "Legal Classic : Sarkar ON SEPCIFIC RELIEF ACT is yet another legal classic. It is the most original, authentic, dependable and brilliant work having a profound impact on its vast readership that covers judges, lawyers, police officers, administrators, law teachers, and academicians, students, research scholars and in fact every one who is in any way concerned with the administration of law and justice in this country. The fact that it has entered into 16th edition speaks volumes about the undisputed quality and standard of this work and its undiminished appeal to its readers which have only grown with the passage of time. While time has always beaten men and matter, this gem of a classic has literally scored over it and lives today to immortalise its authors. A good work as it is, it is the very life-blood of its authors. 16th Edition 2007 : The book provides a comprehensive treatment of the subject and deals with the chapters relating to Specific Performance and Declaratory Suits at a greater length. The observations of the conceptual points of possession are very much illuminating. The principles have been fully illustrated with the help of decided cases. It refers to English law wherver relevant. This monumental work, now stepping into its sixteenth edition after a long interval has proved extremely useful over the years to the members of Bar & Bench. In the present edition the book has been very carefully revised and some of the principal topics have been more fully dealt with. Not only have the case-laws been brought down to date of publication but the statements of law under each section have been scrutinised with care with a view to ensure accuracy. Necessary suggestions have been made on obscure points or points not covered by precedents and comments have been offered on a few unsatisfactory decisions. The present new edition has been throughly revised and some portions have been rewritten in the light of decisions of the Supreme Court and other High Courts reported since the publication of the last edition." ISBN 9788180383977

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