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  Enterprise Analytics: Optimize Performance, Process, and Decisions Through Big Data, 1/e

Enterprise Analytics: Optimize Performance, Process, And Decisions Through Big Data, 1/E

by Thomas H Davenport

  Price : Rs 419.00
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The amount of data that business professionals are presented with has grown exponentially. The field of analytics gives professionals the ability to not only understand data, but see patterns in it. Rather than simply answering questions about what, how, when, where things have happened, analytics pushes further, to find out why things are happening, what will happen if these trends continue, and how information can be used to optimize outcomes. Analytics combines tools and methods to examine what already happened, to predict what will happen, and to explore what should happen. It allows professionals to tackle large amounts of data, harness it and transfer it into information that will lead to meaningful action. The first book published by Tom Davenport and the International Institute for Analytics drawn from the IIA`s exclusive research and writings, Enterprise Analytics delivers the most current insights on the evolution of the field, but more importantly it offers proven strategies and guidelines for the most effective implementation of data analytics and predictive analytics. Replete with examples from across industries, the book will show readers how to implement analytics in their own organization. From the supply chain to online services, in healthcare, financial services, and marketing, readers will learn how to use analytics to bring the power of data to current and future decisions and actions of the firm.


The definitive guide to analytics strategy, planning, and implementation from pioneer Tom Davenport and his leading research firm, the IIA.
• The first book co-published with the International Institute for Analytics, the world`s premier analytics research organization: features the expertise of IIA`s top practitioners and researchers
• Proven strategies, guidelines, and best practices for implementing enterprise data analytics
• Cutting-edge examples from finance, healthcare, technology, retail, manufacturing, and beyondISBN - 9789332540347

Pages : 288
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