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  Project Management

Project Management

by Dr. Shailendra Kumar Chaturvedi , Dr. Shilpi Jauhari

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  This book is designed especially two categories of readers students and professionals. Students of professional programmers (like BBA, MBA, ICWA, CFA) will benefit from this book. This book will help the consultant in preparing a project report, managers in evaluation and selection of a project and management in formulating investment strategies. Importantly, the book helps students and professionals to relate tools and techniques of project management to practice.

This book has been divided into ten chapters.

Chapter 1 deals with the concept of project classification of project. It discusses in detail the life cycle of a project. It also describe the concept of project management and different organisation structure of a pioject. It also highlights the modern will as traditional techniques used in various fields of project management.

Chapter 2 describes how an idea for a project is generated. It discusses the method of short-listing of those ideas. It emphasizes on the qualities that an entrepreneur should have to be successful in his venture.

Chapter 3 discusses the various sources of collection of data for starting a project. It emphasizes on doing the market survey before installation of a project. It explains advanced techniques of forecasting demand of a project. It also cover the risk aspect of project.
It suggests how a project manager should critically examine and evaluate risk contained in any project.

Chapter 4 dwells on the various facets of technical analysis. It explains the factors in be considered for the selection of a technology, choosing machinery and equipment anti deciding the capacity of a plant. It also highlights the charts and layouts made for projet implementation.

Chapter 5 discusses various sources of finance used for setting up a project. It focuses on the financial estimates of project cost, annual sales and annual production.

Chapter 6 contains a comprehensive coverage on the financial statements to be made of a project. It relates to the income statement, cash flow statement, working capital management and balance sheet of a project.

Chapter 7 covers extensively the various investment appraisal criteria. It deals with the analytical techniques to be used in evaluating and selecting a project.

Chapter 8 presents the methodology of social cost benefit analysis. It emphasises on the economic evaluation of a project and the analysing of project on the basis of socio-economic criteria.

Chapter 9 describes how a project is directed, coordinated and controlled to achieve the targets in respect of time, cost, and productivity. This chapter recommends, commitment, discipline and accountability of all agencies involved in a project. Team spirit and various motivation factors helps in successful completion of a project.

Chapter 10 deals with the network techniques to be used in scheduling a project. This chapter gives a detail coverage on two network techniques (CPM and PERT) employed for project planning, scheduling and control. This chapter also discusses the preparation of final project report.

Project management is an approach that assures results, and for those who are interested in results, this book attempts to show how to apply project management to their project and obtain results.ISBN - 9789350517499

Pages : 234
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