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  Pavement Evaluation and Maintenance Management System

Pavement Evaluation And Maintenance Management System

by R Srinivasa Kumar

  Price : Rs 2150.00
  Your Price : Rs 1827.50
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  The role of properly timed and qualitatively controlled rehabilitation and maintenance measures in preserving a pavement’s surface quality and ensuring that the structure lasts in serviceable condition through its design life and beyond is well recognized. This book explores the methods of structural and functional evaluation of flexible and rigid pavements for gathering critical data on the condition of pavements to enable strategic decision making with regard to rehabilitation/maintenance measures under budgetary constraints. It provides detailed descriptions of the state-of-the-art equipment/ devices/techniques used in these evaluations for determining parameters of relevance such as road roughness, skid resistance and existing strength of pavements. Several solved examples are included in the book to give readers a hands-on approach on the various techniques of measurements and evaluation of pavement condition. The significance of a pavement management system in providing a systematic, efficient, consistent and cost-effective decision making mechanism for optimising the maintenance of road networks is explored in detail along with implementation aspects.

Some of the salient features of the book are:

Concise introduction to various contact and non-contact type equipment for pavement evaluation; standards and models for assessing road roughness and frictional properties of pavements
Inclusion of labelled photographs of various models of equipment giving details of their components, mode of operation and output data
Categorisation of pavement distresses and pavement condition rating methods, providing an overview of methods of pavement condition assessment
Maintenance and rehabilitation measures mapped to the pavement condition
Structural evaluation of pavements using ground penetrating radar

Detailed introduction to pavement management system (PMS), which includes life cycle cost analysis, ranking of maintenance and rehabilitation projects, various approaches to PMS, PMS software and PMS implementation

ISBN - 9788173719226

Pages : 588
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