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Ncert Solutions: Physics, Chemistry And Biology, Class - 11 (Set Of 3 Books)

by Disha Experts

  Price : Rs 370.00
  Your Price : Rs 314.50
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  Summary Of The Book

The National Council of Educational Research and Training or NCERT is an independent organization created by the Indian government, whose main responsibility is to advise state governments about school and academic related matters. High on their priority list is devising and implementing a nationwide curriculum. One way that NCERT accomplishes this is by publishing various books under the NCERT banner. These textbooks are used nationwide in schools that operate according CBSE standards.

NCERT Solutions: Physics, Chemistry And Biology, Class - 11 (Set Of 3 Books) is a set of textbooks designed for all students studying in Class 11. They provide a quick and thorough review of important subject-related concepts, including definitions, formulas, and concepts. The material presented in the textbooks is taken from the current syllabus. Each chapter has problem sets, followed by solutions which are detailed. The solutions are presented in a stepwise manner, so that students can quickly grasp the method of solving the problem. Thus the solutions which are provided are presented in a step-by-step manner to ensure maximum marks are earned.

NCERT Solutions - Physics Class 11 contains a subject revision which spans fifteen chapters. Some of the topics that are covered in these chapters are Laws of Motion, Rotational Motion, Measurements, Waves, Physical World, Gravitation, Properties of Fluid, Power, Energy, Thermodynamics, and Oscillations.

NCERT Solutions - Chemistry Class 11 provides a comprehensive coverage of important chemical concepts over fourteen chapters. Hydrogen, Redox Reaction, Atomic Structure, Equilibrium, Chemical Bonding, Thermodynamics, States of Matter, Hydrocarbons, Environmental Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and s-Block Elements, are just some of the topics of study in this book.

NCERT Solutions - Biology Class 11 will provide Class 11 students with a thorough review of fundamental biological concepts, covered in twenty two chapters. Some of these topics are Living World, Plant Kingdom, Biological Classification, Animal Kingdom, Flowering Plant Anatomy, Biomolecules, Animal Structural Organization, Flowering Plant Morphology, Cell, Plant Growth, Transportation System in Plants, Cell Cycle, Cell Division, Mineral Nutrition, Photosynthesis, Respiration, Digestion, Absorption, Exchanging Gases, Circulation, Excretory Products, Neural Control, Locomotion, Coordination, and Chemical Coordination.

NCERT Solutions: Physics, Chemistry And Biology, Class - 11 (Set Of 3 Books), was published in 2013, by Disha Publishing. ISBN - 9789382961536

Pages : 452
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