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  The Talent Masters: Why Smart Leaders Put People Before Numbers

The Talent Masters: Why Smart Leaders Put People Before Numbers

by Ram Charan , Bill Conaty

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  The Talent Masters is a guide that’s designed to help businesses find, nurture, and prioritize talent over financial successes and market fluctuations. Business and leadership gurus, Bill Conaty and Ram Charan, spell out the mantra for creating leaders within a business in order to achieve success every single time. They mention how world-class companies maintain their levels of quality and performance, mainly through finding the right people. The book explains the need for realising and understanding the level of talent within a company. It provides guidelines that will help a company in assessing talent, right from its CEOs to its supervisors. Bill Conaty and Ram Charan provide an insider’s perspective of the talent management game and tips on how to maintain a fine balance between a company’s human resources and finances.

Bill Conaty designed highly successful training and development programs while he was the Vice President of Human Resources at General Electric. The company is known for its talent-rich benches. Conaty was felicitated as a Distinguished Fellow of the National Academy of Human Resources. He also works as an advisor to some of the biggest brands in the world.
Ram Charan is a renowned business guru and a frequent contributor to Harvard Business Review and Fortune Magazine. He graduated as a Baker Scholar from Harvard Business School and is a distinguished speaker, business advisor and writer. Some of the other books written by him are: What The CEO Wants You To Know: How Your Company Really Works, The Game Changer: How Every Leader Can Drive Everyday Innovation, Confronting Reality: Doing What Matters to Get Things Right and Leadership in the Era of Economic Uncertainty: The New Rules for Getting the Right Things Done in Difficult Times.ISBN - 9781847940728

Pages : 320
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