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  Ear, Nose and Throat and Head and Neck Surgery: An Illustrated Colour Text, 4e

Ear, Nose And Throat And Head And Neck Surgery: An Illustrated Colour Text, 4E

by Ram S Dhillon , Charles A. East

  Price : Rs 3848.90
  Your Price : Rs 3464.01
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  A textbook in the Illustrated Colour Text series on ENT, aimed at medical students and junior doctors.
Concise presentation of ENT in the attractive ICT format - clear line diagrams, colour photos of clinical conditions, summary boxes etc.
Covers a topic which is important in primary care - medical students and junior doctors are motivated to buy a book in this area.
Basic anatomy and physiology is reviewed - useful revision for students in clinical years.
Comprehensive coverage of both presenting symptoms and specific diseases, with more detail on the commoner conditions.
Clear description of examination and investigation techniques.ISBN - 9780702044199

Pages : 132
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