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  Organisational Behaviour & Corporate Development

Organisational Behaviour & Corporate Development

by Mishra, M.N.

  Price : Rs 575.00
  Your Price : Rs 500.25
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  Organisational Behaviour and Corporate Development has become essential study for the development of any organisation in the twenty first century of competition and excellence achievement has become a distinctive culture which is being implemented even in public administration. `Corporate Development` as a unique philosophy and strategy is well known for the development of corporate culture. Corporate image is essential for all-round development of organisation. The image building is possible through the application of behavioural science known as `Organisational Behaviour`. All the managerial problems are diagnosed in the light of employees` behaviour in the organisation and also in the specific areas of management. Organisation Behaviour is not only a subsystem of Human Resource Development; it has become essential blood of all the functions of each and every branch of management in any organisation.

The book has been prepared in the above lights. The behaviour of employees, group of employees and students or organisation are diagnosed, moulded, modified and channelised for achieving the excellence of the organisation. The basic purpose of this book is to develop a corporate unit with excellence. The behaviour of an employee is studied under perception, learning, personality and motivation. The group dynamics, group personality, morale-building, resolving group-conflict, transactional and transformational analysis and leadership are studied under group behaviour. Similarly, structural behaviour is also deeply studied to make organisational-behaviour a great success. Delegation of authority, decentralisation, departmentation, functional organisational setup and control devices are analyzed with the object of Corporate Development. The book is highly useful to the corporate managers, executives, professionals, teachers and students. ISBN - 9788184883657

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