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   Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers: Principles and Applications: 2nd Edition

Designing Embedded Systems With Pic Microcontrollers: Principles And Applications: 2Nd Edition

by Tim Wilmhurst

  Price : Rs 895.00
  Your Price : Rs 760.75
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SECTION I: GETTING STARTED WITH EMBEDDED SYSTEMS 1. Tiny Computers, Hidden Control SECTION II: MINIMUM SYSTEMS AND THE PIC16F84A 2. Introducing the PIC 16 series, and the 16F84A 3. Parallel Ports, Power Supply, and the Clock Oscillator 4. Starting to Program - An Introduction to Assembler 5. Building Assembler Programs 6. Working with Time: Interrupts, Counters, and Timers Unchanged SECTION III: LARGER SYSTEMS AND TEH PIC16F883A 7. Larger Systems and the PIC 16883A 8. The Human and Physical Interface 9. Taking Timing Further 10. Starting with Serial 11. Data Acquisition and Manipulation SECTION IV: SMARTER SYSTEMS AND THE PIC18XX2 12. Smarter Systems and the PIC 18FXX2 13. The PIC 18FXX2 Peripherals 14. Introducing C 15. C and the Embedded Environment 16. Acquiring and Using Data with C 17. More C and the Wider C environment 18. Multi-tasking and the Real Time Operating System 19. The Salvo Real Time Operating System SECTION V: TECHNIQUES OF CONNECTIVITY AND NETWORKING 20. Connectivity and Networks 21. A Zigbee project 22. A Survey of 16/32 bit PIC Microcontrollers, and DSPIC . ISBN 9789380501826

Pages : 661
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