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  Urban Poverty in Developing Countries : Issues and Strategies for Sustainable Cities

Urban Poverty In Developing Countries : Issues And Strategies For Sustainable Cities

by Ranvinder Singh Sandhu, Jasmeet Sandhu, Balwinder Arora

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  Contents: Acknowledgement. List of contributors. 1. Introduction. I. Urban poverty in developing countries-some issues: 2. The (II) logics of urban poverty in a globalizing world: The Nomadic (sub) citizenship in Chinese societies in comparative perspective/On Kwok Lai. 3. The manifestation of voluntary and involuntary migration in Turkish cities: from “Spaces of Hope” to “Spaces of Hopelessness”/Asuman Turkun. 4. Segregation of scheduled castes in modern India: a case study of Amritsar/R.S. Sandhu. 5. Urban poverty, slums and crime with special reference to organized crime in Mumbai/Jasmine Damle. 6. A sociological perspective of educational problems in Sri Lanka: a case in Colombo/M.A.N. Rasanjalee Perera. II. Urban poverty in India: empirical studies: 7. Trends in urban poverty in India/A.S. Sethi. 8. Urban poverty in India: some issues/M.S. Sidhu, M.S. Toor and T.K. Dhadli. 9. Dal dwellers: a water borne slum/Salima Jan. 10. Urban poor-a study of sweeper community in Srinagar city/Aneesa Shafi. 11. Poverty and deprivation among the rag pickers of Amristar city: Pragmatic insights/Kiran Sandhu and Rubinderjot Dhillon. III. Urban poverty and strategies for sustainable cities: 12. Housing for the poor and land for the city development: a case of sustainable township programme in the city of Colombo/R.G. Aryawansa. 13. Environment of urban slums in Delhi state/Sabir Ali. 14. Environmental scenario of resettlement colonies of Delhi/Satpal Singh. 15. Urban poverty reduction in Punjab by strengthening and sustaining good local urban governance: some lessons from Kerala/Manoj K. Teotia. 16. Creating viable neighborhoods for urban poor by empowering citizens and rehabilitating physical conditions-Demetevler Pilot Project/Deniz Altay. 17. Promoting sustainable urban development through planning with urban poor/J.K. Gupta. 18. Governing through community: the UNDP’s capacity 2015/Heather Graydon.

“Urbanization got an impetus during 1980s and 1990s due to advances in transportation and telecommunication and further momentum was provided by globalization. During this period many Asian Countries experienced both economic boom and population increase. UN HABITAT (2006) pointed out that Asia and Africa will host largest urban population in twenty-first century and cities will continue to be sites of extreme inequality. It is feared that Asian cities may not be able to cope with the ongoing urbanization and urbanization of poverty further adds to the challenges.

This edited volume addresses to the challenges thrown by urban poverty for sustainable cities in developing countries and also presents some strategies adopted in these countries to deal with these challenges. The volume contains seventeen articles which are divided into three sections. Sections - I, entitled ‘Urban Poverty in Developing Countries: Some Issues’, contains five articles dealing with urban poverty and delineates certain issues related to it. Section - II, entitled ‘Urban Poverty in India: Empirical Reality’, contains five articles which present the empirical situation of urban poverty in India. Section - III, entitled ‘Urban Poverty and Strategies for Sustainable Cities’, anthologizes seven articles dealing with some strategies to grapple with the problem of urban poverty in developing countries and the outcome of these efforts. All these efforts to achieve sustainable cities are not producing desired results. Cities cannot be sustainable if rural areas, neighborhoods and communities are not sustainable. So focus must shift to these settlements as well.” ISBN - 9788189640859

Pages : 414
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