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  AIIMS 17 years Topic-wise Solved Papers (1997-2013) with 1 Mock Test

Aiims 17 Years Topic-Wise Solved Papers (1997-2013) With 1 Mock Test

by Disha Experts

  Price : Rs 330.00
  Your Price : Rs 280.50
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Topic-wise Solved Papers are the most important resources must for every student for 3 reasons: 1. They show what types of questions have been asked in the actual exam knowledge/ understanding/ application/ analytical; theoretical/ numerical; Simple MCQ/ Assertion-Reason/ Passage based MCQ/ Matching MCQ/ Picture based/ Statement based MCQ. 2. They show the trend of the paper over the past years helps in understanding the examiners psyche to understand what to expect and what not to expect in the exam. 3. To spot the most important and least important topics for the exam the number of questions asked from each topic in the various years. AIIMS Topic-wise Solved Papers consists of past years (memory based) solved papers 1997 onwards till date, distributed in around 20-25 topics in each subject. The book has been divided into 4 sections Physics (divided into 18 chapters), Chemistry (divided into 23 chapters), Biology (divided into 23 chapters) & General Knowledge (divided into 6 chapters). The book has been compiled in a manner that you just revise one topic and then solve all the previous year questions on that topic. This will assess whether your preparation is up to the mark with the AIIMS level. The strength of the book lies in the originality of its question papers and Errorless Solutions. The book contains around 3400 questions - 2500 MCQs and 700 Assertion-Reason type question questions. The book also contains 1 FULLY SOLVED MOCK TEST ON THE LATEST PATTERN. ULTIMATE BOOK FOR STEP BY STEP LEARNING AND PRACTICE. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I - Physics 1. Units, Dimensions & Measurement 2. Motion in one dimension 3. Motion in Two and Three dimensions 4. Laws of Motion 5. Work, Energy and Power 6. Centre of Mass, Rigid Bodies & Rotational Motion 7. Gravitation 8. Properties of Matter 9. Oscillations & Waves 10. Ray and Wave Optics 11. Heat & Thermodynamics 12. Electrostatics 13. Current Electricity, Thermal & Chemical Effects of Current 14. Magnetic Effects of Current 15. Magnetism 16. Alternating Current & Electromagnetic Waves 17. Atoms, Molecules, Nuclei, Electrons & Photons 18. Solids & Semi-Conductor Devices and Communication System Section II - chemistry 1. Atoms, Molecules & Chemical Arithmetic, Volumetric Analysis 2. Solution & Liquid State 3. Atomic Structure 4. Nuclear Chemistry 5. Chemical Bonding 6. Solid & Gaseous State 7. Redox Reaction & Electrochemistry 8. Chemical & Ionic Equilibrium 9. Chemical Kinetics & Surface Chemistry 10. Chemical Energetics & Thermochemistry 11. Periodic Table, Metals & Metallurgy, Hydrogen & Its Compounds 12. s-Block Elements 13. p-Block Elements - Boron & Carbon Family 14. p-Block Elements - Nitrogen & Oxygen Family 15. p-Block Elements - Halogen & Nobel Gases 16. Transition Metals, Coordination Compounds & Organometallics 17. Analytical Chemistry 18. Purification, Classification & Nomenclature, Hybridisation General Organic Chemistry, Isomerism 19. Hydrocarbons 20. Halides, Alcohols, Phenols & Ether 21. Aldehydes, Ketones & Carboxylic Acids 22. Compounds Containing Nitrogen 23. Biomolecules, Biological Processes, Polymers & Chemistry in Action Section III - biology 1. The Living World & Systematics 2. Kingdom Monera & Protista, Virus & Kingdom Fungi 3. Plant Kingdom 4. Cell & Cell Division 5. Genetics 6. Morphology of Flowering Plants 7. Internal Structure of Angiosperms Plants 8. Plant-Nutrition, Photosynthesis and Respiration 9. Reproduction in Flowering Plants & Plant Embryology 10. Plant Growth, Movement & Plant Hormones 11. Ecosystem 12. Biodiversity and Environmental Issues 13. Micro & Macromolecules 14. Animal Kingdom 15. Animal Tissues & Animal Nutrition 16. Respiratory Gas Exchange & Circulation of body fluids 17. Excretion, Osmoregulation, Movement & Locomotion 18. Nervous Coordination and Sense Organ 19. Hormonal Coordination 20. Reproduction, Embryonic Development, Growth, Regeneration and Ageing 21. Human Genetics 22. Origin and Evolution of life 23. Biology and Human Welfare Section IV - General knowledge 1. History 2. Indian Polity 3. Geography 4. General Science 5. General Awareness 6. Current Affairs Mock Test with Detailed Solutions AIIMS 2012 Paper AIIMS 2013 Paper ISBN - 9789383379446

Pages : 570
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