The Secret begins with Byrne introducing the concept of the law of attraction. Byrne maintains that the universe emits a certain frequency which people can attract towards themselves. She stresses that positive thinking is a powerful entity which draws in energy in the same frequency range. In other words, by always engaging in positive thinking, Byrne claims that people will attract back positivity. The term ‘positive’ could apply to a positive event, people, thoughts, or material items. Byrne feels that if a person thinks like a winner, he will be a winner, if he thinks like a rich person, then he will become rich. The author states that positive thinking will always attract back positivity from the universe.
The Secret introduces a three-step creative process to help people turn their dreams into reality. The process involves Asking, Believing, and Receiving, which is also a concept mentioned in the Holy Bible. Along with the creative process, The Secret stresses the importance of feeling gratitude and visualizing in order to help one’s desires manifest. Byrne recommends to readers that they list everything that they feel grateful for, and along the way, this will only attract more positivity and lift the reader to a higher frequency. By using visualization, the mind becomes more focused on clearly communicating with the universe.
The chapters included in the book demonstrate to readers how the law of attraction can be used and what can be done to receive those desired results in areas such as wealth and relationships. The Secret was featured twice on The Oprah Winfrey Show. It also remained on the New York Times Bestseller list for 146 weeks. On January 15, 2009, an article was published in Forbes stating that the book and film had generated 300 million dollars in revenue. Following the release of the book, it was turned into a documentary film and DVD.ISBN - 9781847370297
Pages : 198