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   College Writing Skills with Readings 7th Edition

College Writing Skills With Readings 7Th Edition

by John Langan

  Price : Rs 685.00
  Your Price : Rs 616.50
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  John Langan`s College Writing Skills with Readings, Seventh Edition, focuses on the essay using Langan`s renowned clear writing style, as well as his wide range of writing assignments and activities that reinforce the four bases of effective writing: unity, support, coherence, and sentence skills. For the new seventh edition, John Langan has added a variety of fresh elements to his proven approach.
NEW visual part and chapter openers: Each part and chapter of the book opens with color photographs and accompanying writing prompts that relate to the learning material that follows “ immediately engaging students in the writing and critical thinking process.
NEW visual learning: Because today™s students respond so readily to visual images, and must learn to evaluate such images critically, we have integrated over seventy photos and images throughout the text”each supported by an accompanying caption to prompt writing or critical thinking.
NEW contemporary exercises and activities engage students interest in current, relevant issues and help students apply concepts to contemporary culture and everyday life.
NEW expanded examples of student writing: The seventh edition features drafts of student writing through every step of the writing process, including pre-writing, early "longhand" drafts, final paragraphs, and final essays, clearly illustrating the progression students will make in their own writing.
NEW collaborative learning icon highlights all student activities that can be assigned as collaborative activities, either in or outside of class.
NEW readings chosen for their appeal and relevance to today`s students, covering topics such as relationships, sleep deprivation, and sexuality.
NEW integrated Online Learning Center (OLC): Throughout the text, an OLC icon prompts students to visit the free Web site for additional online help. The updated OLC appeals to all learning styles, and provides interactive media for more effective learning. ISBN - 9781259098406

Pages : 824
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