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  Introduction to Chemical Engineering

Introduction To Chemical Engineering

by S. Pushpavanam

  Price : Rs 525.00
  Your Price : Rs 446.25
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  This book is an outgrowth of the authors teaching experience of a course on Introduction to Chemical Engineering to the firstyear chemical engineering students of the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. The book serves to introduce the students to the role of a chemical engineer in society. In addition to the classical industries, the role of chemical engineers in several esoteric areas such as semiconductor processing and biomedical engineering is discussed. Besides highlighting the principles and processes of chemical engineering, the book shows how chemical engineering concepts from the basic sciences and economics are used to seek solutions to engineering problems. The book is rich in examples of innovative solutions found to problems faced in chemical industry. It includes a wide spectrum of topics, selected from the industrial interactions of the author. It encourages the student to see the similarities in the concepts which govern apparently dissimilar examples. It introduces various concepts, using both physical and mathematical bases, to facilitate the understanding of difficult processes such as the scaleup process. The book contains several case studies on safety, ethics and environmental issues in chemical process industries.
Table of Contents
1. Role of a Chemical Engineer
2. Modern Chemical Engineering Plants
3. Chemical Engineer and Chemical Engineering Profession
4. Role and Importance of Basic Sciences in Engineering
5. Dimensionless Analysis and Scale upAnother Illustration of How Physics and Mathematics can be Combined
6. Semiempirical Approach in EngineeringDeparture from Scientific Rigor: Applications in Atmospheric Pollution and Turbulence
7. Safety, Health, Environment and Ethics Appendix MATLAB Programs Index ISBN - 9788120345775

Pages : 184
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