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   Essentials of Nursing Research : Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice 8th Edition

Essentials Of Nursing Research : Appraising Evidence For Nursing Practice 8Th Edition

by Denise F. Polit, Cheryl Tatano Beck

  Price : Rs 595.00
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  This eighth edition of Essentials of Nursing Research, written by AJN award-winning authors, along with its accompanying Study Guide for Essentials of Nursing Research, student learning ancillaries and instructor teaching materials present a unique learning-teaching package that is designed to teach students how to read and critique research reports and to appreciate the application of research findings to nursing practice.

Key Features

New text organization with separate sections on quantitative and qualitative research offer greater continuity of ideas to better meet the needs of students and faculty.
New online chapter supplements for every chapter expand student`s knowledge of research topics.
New chapter on mixed methods research, which involves the blending of qualitative and quantitative data in a single inquiry, responds to the surge of interest in this type of research
Increased emphasis on evidence-based practice (EBP) especially in the areas of asking well-worded questions for EBP and searching for such evidence guides the reader from theory to application.
Enhanced assistance for instructors with numerous suggestions on how to make learning about&mdashand teaching&mdashresearch methods more rewarding.
New interactive critiquing activity, available on thePoint website, brings the Critical Thinking Exercises from the textbook to an interactive tool. The new format makes it easy for students to respond to the series of targeted questions about the Research Examples. Responses can be printed or e-mailed directly to instructors for homework or testing.
Many of the key features that were successfully used in previous editions have been retained to assist consumers of nursing research: Clear & ldquouser friendly&rdquo style. The writing style is designed to be easily digestible and non-intimidating. Concepts are introduced carefully and systematically difficult ideas are presented clearly and readers are assumed to have no prior knowledge of technical terms.
Critiquing Guidelines. Each chapter includes guidelines for conducting a critique of various aspects of a research report. The guidelines sections provide a list of questions that walk students through a study, drawing attention to aspects of the study that are amenable to appraisal by research consumers. Electronic versions of the guidelines are available on thePoint website.
Research Examples. Each chapter concludes with one or two actual research examples designed to highlight critical points made in the chapter and to sharpen the student & rsquos critical thinking skills. In addition, many research examples are used to illustrate key points in the text and to stimulate students&rsquo thinking about areas of research inquiry. Many international examples are included to communicate to students that nursing research is growing in importance worldwide.
Critical Thinking Exercises. Each of the Research Examples is followed by critical thinking exercises designed to help hone the student&rsquos skill in critiquing research articles.
Tips for Consumers. The textbook is filled with practical guidance and &ldquotips&rdquo on how to translate the abstract notions of research methods into more concrete applications. In these tips, special attention is given to helping students read research reports, which are often daunting to those without specialized research training.
Graphics. Colourful graphics, in the form of supportive tables, figures and examples, reinforce the text and offer visual stimulation.
Chapter Objectives: Learning objectives are identified in the chapter opener to focus students&rsquo attention on critical content.
Key Terms: Each chapter includes a list of key new terms. New terms are defined in context (and bolded in color) when used for the first time in the text. A glossary at the end of the book provides additional support for those needing to look up the meaning of a methodologic term.
Bulleted Summary Points: A succinct list of summary points that focus on salient chapter content is provided at the end of each chapter.
Full-Length Research Articles: In this edition, the textbook includes four full-length studies&mdashtwo quantitative, one qualitative and one mixed methods&mdashthat students can read, analyze and critique. ISBN - 9788184739114

Pages : 512
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