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   Data Communications and Networking

Data Communications And Networking

by Behrouz Forouzan

  Price : Rs 675.00
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  Data Communications and Networking is designed to help students understand the basics of data communications and networking, and the protocols used in the Internet in particular by using the protocol layering of the Internet and TCP/IP protocol suite. Technologies related to data communication and networking may be the fastest growing in today`s culture. The appearance of some new social networking applications is a testimony to this claim. In this Internet-oriented society, specialists need to be trained to run and manage the Internet, part of the Internet, or an organization`s network that is connected to the Internet. As both the number and types of students are increasing, it is essential to have a textbook that provides coverage of the latest advances, while presenting the material in a way that is accessible to students with little or no background in the field.

Using a bottom-up approach, Data Communications and Networking presents this highly technical subject matter without relying on complex formulas by using a strong pedagogical approach supported by more than 830 figures. Now in its Fifth Edition, this textbook brings the beginning student right to the forefront of the latest advances in the field, while presenting the fundamentals in a clear, straightforward manner. Students will find better coverage, improved figures and better explanations on cutting-edge material. The "bottom-up" approach allows instructors to cover the material in one course, rather than having separate courses on data communications and networking. Visual Approach. The book presents highly technical subject matter without complex formulas by using a balance of text and figures. More than 830 figures accompanying the text provide a visual and intuitive opportunity for understanding the material.
Examples and Applications. Whenever appropriate, examples are included that that illustrate the concepts introduced in the text. Also, real-life applications are added throughout each chapter to keep the student motivated.
End of Chapter Materials. Each chapter ends with a set of materials that include Key Terms, Summary, Further Reading, Practice Set, Quizzes, Questions, Problems, Simulation Experiments, Applets, Lab Assignments, and some chapters include Programming Assignments.
An On-line Learning Center is available to provide extra material to both students and instructors. Some features of the on-line learning center include: PowerPoint Slides, Solutions, and Animated Figures from the text and solutions of odd-numbered problems for students. (even-numbered solutions for instructor are password protected)
Changes is the End-of-Chapter Materials. Lab assignments have been added to some chapters. Applets have been posted in the book website to allow students to see some problems and protocols in action.
Money Saving eBook Available. To purchase an electronic eBook version of this title, visit www.CourseSmart.com (ISBN 0077445384). With the CourseSmart e Textbook version of this title, students can save money, reduce their impact on the environment, and access powerful web tools for learning. Faculty can also review and compare the full text online without having to wait for a print desk copy. ISBN - 9781259064753

Pages : 1264
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