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   Business Ethics : Decision Making for Personal Integrity and Social Responsibility 2nd Edition

Business Ethics : Decision Making For Personal Integrity And Social Responsibility 2Nd Edition

by Laura Hartman, Joseph Desjardins

  Price : Rs 575.00
  Your Price : Rs 517.50
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  Hartman/DesJardins is designed to prepare the student to apply an ethical decision-making model, not only in this ethics course but throughout her or his business discipline. This model teaches students ethical skills, vocabulary, and tools to apply in everyday business decisions and throughout their business courses. The authors speak in a sophisticated yet accessible manner while teaching the fundamentals of business ethics. Hartman™s professional background in law and her teaching experience in the business curriculum, combined with DesJardins™ background in philosophy, results in a broad language, ideal for this approach and market. The authors™ goal is to engage the student by focusing on cases and business scenarios that students already find interesting. Students are then asked to look at the issues from an ethical perspective. Additionally, its focus on AACSB requirements makes it a comprehensive business ethics text for business school courses. The goal for the second edition remains the same as for the first: to provide a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to the ethical issues arising in business. Hartman and DesJardins have retained the focus on decision-making as well as the emphasis on both personal and policy-level perspectives on ethics. This edition continues to provide pedagogical support throughout the text. The most noticeable changes involve a thorough updating of distinct items such as Reality Checks, Decision Points, and readings to reflect new cases, examples and data. 25 new end-of-chapter readings, averaging more than 2 new readings for each chapter
New readings offering international and global perspectives.
New cases to serve as Chapter Opening Decision Points.
New readings on stakeholder theory.
Extremely timely and expanded textual coverage of such topics as: corporate culture, leadership and gender, cultural diversity, stakeholders, social entrepreneurship, sustainability, the 2009 Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act, sweatshops, living wages, green-washing, corporate governance, and the agency problem.
Broad, sophisticated language that results in an accessible, manageable approach to teaching and learning the fundamentals of business ethics.
Demonstrates how ethics plays into each business area, from marketing to corporate governance to impact on environment. It teaches students relevant theory, as well as the decision-making process for applying what they learn to the real world.
Decision Points is a pedagogical feature that reinforces the AACSB focus on demonstrating student learning. This feature teaches ethics as a method for leadership decision making in everyday business decisions by presenting real-life business situations and encouraging students to make the call. Each chapter opens with a decision point that is then resolved at the end of the chapter. Decision points are also sprinkled throughout each chapter as a way to help refine students™ critical thinking skills;
Reality Checks highlight real-life situations of business applications. They are examples of how these particular processes are applied in a timely “ straight from the headlines “ business situation.
Readings and scenarios are often drawn from current headlines, are relevant to students™ experiences and are chosen to offer a compelling additional perspective to the business environment.
Varied end-of-chapter problems address a variety of teaching and learning styles through web problems, challenging scenarios, projects and short answer questions ISBN - 9781259098277

Pages : 624
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