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  Law of Defamation & Malicious Prosecution (Civil and Criminal) 60th Year of Publication, 13th Edn. with Model Forms of Plaints and Defences and Allied Legislations

Law Of Defamation & Malicious Prosecution (Civil And Criminal) 60Th Year Of Publication, 13Th Edn. With Model Forms Of Plaints And Defences And Allied Legislations

by V. Mitter

  Price : Rs 895.00
  Your Price : Rs 778.65
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  Mitter`s Law of Defamation and Malicious Prosecution has proved to be the most popular book and is considered to be the last word on the subject, which is apparent from the single fact that in a short span of time, Thirteen editions of this book have been published.
Man, as a social being, treasures his honour and reputation and there is almost an instinctive resistance to any injury of encroachment on these valued assets. In fact, honour and reputation are the foundations on which a civilized society stands as such social duties and obligations of individual members of the society are motivated by these attributes. Thus, this book is of treat importance and value because it is dealing with the subject which is directly associated with the integrity and honour of mankind.
It is a must for the Bench and Bar, Media, Publishers, Journalist, Politicians, Writers and all those who are in any way associated with this branch of Law.

ISBN - 9789350353783

Pages : 720
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