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  Ultimate Guide to SSC Multi Tasking Staff (Non Technical) Exam-Matric Level

Ultimate Guide To Ssc Multi Tasking Staff (Non Technical) Exam-Matric Level

by Disha Experts

  Price : Rs 455.00
  Your Price : Rs 386.75
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  The book Ultimate Guide to SSC Multi-Tasking Staff (Non-Technical) Exam Matric Level has been written exclusively for the Matric Level Exams strictly according to the revised exam pattern.

The Salient Features of the Book are

Comprehensive Sections on: Numerical Aptitude, General Intelligence, English Language and General Awareness
Detailed theory along with solved examples and short-cuts to solve problems.
Exhaustive question bank at the end of each chapter in the form of Exercise. Solutions to the Exercise have been provided at the end of each chapter.
Solved Question paper of SSC Multi-Tasking Staff (Non-Technical) 2013 Exam has been provided for students to understand the latest pattern and level of questions
Another unique feature of the book is the division of its General Awareness section into separate chapters on History, Geography, Polity, General Science, Miscellaneous topics and Current Affairs
The book also provides a separate chapter on Data Interpretation and Graph, Comprehension in the English Language section
The book has a comprehensive coverage of Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning, Numerical Aptitude, General English and General Awareness.
The book provides thoroughly updated General Awareness section with Current Affairs till date. Table of Contents

Section 1: Reasoning
Verbal Reasoning

1. Analogy
2. Classification
3. Series
4. Coding - Decoding
5. Blood Relation
6. Direction and Distance
7. Ranking Test
8. Number Puzzle
9. Logical sequence of words
10. Clock and Calendar
11. Venn Diagrams
12. Syllogism
13. Mathematical Operation
14. Arithmetical Reasoning
15. Matrix Based Reasoning
16. Statement and Conclusions

Non - Verbal Reasoning

17. Cube and Cuboid
18. Completion of figure
19. Figure formation and Analysis
20. Paper cutting and Folding
21. Visual Reasoning
22. Mirror and Water Image
23. Embedded Figures
24. Non - Verbal Series

Section 2: Numerical Aptitude

1. Number system
2. HCF and LCM
3. Algebraic Expressions and Inequalities
4. Average
5. Percentage
6. Profit and Loss
7. Simple and Compound Interest
8. Ratio, Proportion and Partnership
9. Mixture and Allegation
10. Time and Work
11. Speed, Time and Train or Boat and Stream
12. Mensuration
13. Data Interpretation

Section 3: General English

1. English Grammar
2. Vocabulary
3. Synonyms
4. Antonyms
5. Idioms and Phrases
6. Spelling Test
7. Spotting Errors
8. Sentence Improvement
9. Sentence Completion
10. Comprehension

Section 4: General Knowledge

1. History
2. Geography
3. Polity
4. General Science
5. Miscellaneous
6. Current Affairs
ISBN - 9789383379835

Pages : 576
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