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  Reasserting the Co-operative Movement

Reasserting The Co-Operative Movement

by Dr V B Jugale

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  This book is concerned with the Development of Cooperative Movement in India whichhas taken place since 1904. It is high time to review the working of cooperatives as the cooperative movement in India has completed its 100 years of working. During this time it has proved that the cooperatives have remained as the shield in the hands of weaker section of society especialy, farmers, wage earners and women, etc. Further it has been recognized as a golden mean between capitalisim and socialism. However, cooperative movement has some laculans in its working, which need to remove.
About Author :
Dr. V. B. Jugale (b. 25th May, 1953) holds degrees of B.A. (Economics) from Karnataka University, M.A., M.Phil. and Ph.D. from Shivaji University, Kolhapur and D.I.T. from RIIT, Sangli. At present, he is Professon, Head and Dean (Social Science Faculty) in the Departmentof Economics, Shivaji university, Kophapur, teaching and guiding the research students in Monetray Economics, Agricultural Economics and Co-operation.
Dr. P.A. Koli is a senior faculty in Department of Economics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra State. He has been teaching psot graduate classes including M.A., M.Phil. and M.Sc. sericulture for the last 30 years. He has contributed a number of research papers in various national journals and seminars. He has also attended many national and international confernces.
Contents :
Century of Indian Co-operative Movement: A Review
Governance of Co-operatives in the New Economic Era: Challenges and Issues
New Economic Policy and Co-operative Identity
New Forms to Reassert Co-operation
Rediscovering Co-operation Some Issues
Strenghtening Co-operative Institutions Through Corporate Governance
The Challenges Before Indian Co-operatives with Special References to Co-operative Banks
New Economic Policy and Co-operative Movement in India
Issues in Diversification and Expansion of Business in Co-operative Credit Institution By Restructing The APCS Into Co-operative Village Banks
Performance of PACS-An Empirical Evaluation
Performance Evalution Model For Primary Non-agricultural Credit Societies
Role of Co-operatives and SHGs In Rural Credit Markets
Chalenges Before Marketing Co-operatives
Co-operative Sugar Sector: New Avenues for Revenues
The Succcess Story of Warana Co-operative Complex
Industrial Sickness:A Study of a Defunct Co-operative Spinning Mill in Tamil Nadu
New Strategies for Co-operative Dairy Development In The Ear of Economics Liberalization and Globalization
HOusing Co-operatives in the 21st Century
Growth of Co-operative Institutions in Goa
An Evaluation of Urban Co-operative Banks in India
Crave for Professionalisation in Urban Co-operative Banks
Information Technology for Co-operative Banks
Reasserting the Co-operative Moveemtn in Maharashtra
Co-operatives in Agro-processing in Maharashtra: A temporal Status Analysis
Crave of Strenghtening the Consumer Co-operatives
List of Contributors ISBN - 8186771832 , 9788186771839

Pages : 281
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