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  Intellectual Property Rights Demystified

Intellectual Property Rights Demystified

by Ram Kumar , A Jayakumar

  Price : Rs 425.00
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  Studies have shown that there is a perfect link between strongIPR regime protected by the rule of law and economic development ofa country. India is still at nascent stage when compared with theIPR regimes of developed economies. Hence, governmental andintergovernmental initiatives in association with commerce andindustrial bodies are being taken up for creating awareness on IPR.As a signatory to many international treaties and conventions,India has modified many existing IPR laws and codified new ones tofoster protection of Indian traditional knowledge and innovationsemanate from research and professional institutions of India. Eventhough the researchers of software, pharmaceutical and biomedicalfields are leading the pack of most number of patent applicationsreceived at Patent Offices in India, requirement of such awarenessin other fields is necessary. It is felt that ignorance on legaland administrative procedures involved in filing for IPR is a majorissue that needs to be addressed immediately. Although articles andbooks are written on the conventions/treaties and on the importanceof IPR and its protection, non-availability of IPR information inthe form of a concise ready reference on IPR/patents/designs/copyrights/trade marks and laws, application forms and proceduresthwarts common-man to understand IPR and related issues. Enhancedawareness on IPR laws and copyright procedures would help filingsfor IPR by scientists, teachers and researchers. Publication ofthis volume is an attempt to alleviate this ignorance and spreadinformation on IPR, which may help the needy to understand theintricacies of IPR and apply for IPR.

It covers topics on IPR including important definitions, historyof evolution of IPR concepts, major organizations that control IPRin bilateral, multilateral and global forums, issues concerningdeveloped and developing countries with reference to enforcement ofIPR, implications of major treaties of IPR protection to whichIndia is a signatory, management practices of IPR and finallysuggestions on creating increased awareness on IPR.

Written in a simple language and concise form, this volume is acomprehensive treatise on IPR required for common readers andprofessionals. In addition to individual papers that deal withspecific topics in detail, provision of suitable application formsfor copyrights, trademarks, patents, designs, etc., as annexuremakes this volume necessary addition in libraries of private,public, academic and research institutions, legal institutions andpracticing lawyers and charted accountants. As many academicinstitutions have included IPR in course curricula, this volumewould serve as a textbook suitable for teaching too.ISBN - 9788189422875

Pages : 186
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