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  Objective NCERT at your FINGERTIPS - Physics, Chemistry, Biology Combo

Objective Ncert At Your Fingertips - Physics, Chemistry, Biology Combo

by Mtg Editorial Board

  Price : Rs 2045.00
  Your Price : Rs 1881.40
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  This Combo of three books Objective NCERT at your FINGERTIPS - Physics, Chemistry and Biology is best combination for students appearing for class 12th Boards Exams and Medical Entrance Exams. These books will strengthen your conceptual clarity since it contains an average of 100 questions per chapter framed from text of NCERT Textbooks of Class XI and XII.

We assure you that after studying these books NCERT will be at your FINGERTIPS.

Complete details of all the three books are available at the following links:

I. Objective NCERT at your FINGERTIPS - Biology

II. Objective NCERT at your FINGERTIPS - Chemistry

III. Objective NCERT at your FINGERTIPS - Physics


Pages : 1460
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