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   Android Apps with App Inventor: The Fast and Easy Way to Build Android Apps, 1st Edition

Android Apps With App Inventor: The Fast And Easy Way To Build Android Apps, 1St Edition

by Jorg H. Kloss

  Price : Rs 679.00
  Your Price : Rs 556.78
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  Kloss begins with the absolute basics of program structure, syntax, flow, and function, and then demonstrates simple ways to solve todays most common mobile development problems. Along the way he teaches the reader to build a dozen real Android apps, from games and geotrackers to navigation systems and news tickers. By the end of the book, the reader will be comfortable implementing advanced apps and mashups integrating realtime multimedia data from all kinds of Web services with the communication and sensor-based features of a smartphone.

Salient Features

Helps anyone use Google App Inventor to quickly build robust, modern Android apps
Covers installation, setup, design, media, data storage, graphics, phone, SMS, email, voice recognition/output, data exchange, and more
Includes detailed walkthroughs and five complete app examples
Foreword by MIT Professor and Google App Inventor Team Member Hal AbelsonISBN - 9789332502154

Pages : 600
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