Electronic Commerce provides a thorough explanation of what EC is, how it`s being conducted and managed, and how to assess its opportunities, limitations, issues, and risks—all from a managerial perspective. By presenting EC through a managerial approach, this text makes the subject matter practical, relevant, and beneficial to majors and non-majors alike. To keep pace with today`s ever-changing technology, the seventh edition has been streamlined—removing material that`s no longer relevant, while still providing students with information on the hottest topics in the field. Salient Features
• NEW! Focus on what`s important: Streamlined Content. EC moves at the speed of technology, and to keep pace with this ever-changing information, this edition has been streamlined from 18 chapters to 15.
• NEW! Go social: New Chapter on Social Commerce. Social commerce is becoming a major element of EC, which is why this text includes a new chapter—Chapter 7: Social Commerce—that describes this exciting topic to students. After reading the material, students should be able to understand: o Social networks, virtual worlds, and social software as facilitators of social commerce. o The landscape of social commerce applications, including social advertising and shopping, enterprise social commerce, social market research, and crowdsourcing.ISBN - 9789332518100
Pages : 740