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  Mission R&AW

Mission R&Aw

by Rk Yadav, Former R&Aw Officer

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  Mission R&AW Book Exposed Top Shots.

Do you Know?

1. A very senior leader of Congress Party and two other prominent politicians of India were found working as Arms Dealers by a source of R&AW in London. R&AW officer at London sent details of the two politicians to Delhi headquarters but report of Congress leaders were withheld and only name was sent. (Page 447)

2. R&AW detected one leading politician of Bihar related to a senior leader was reportedly found involved in business and smuggling activities with ISI persons in Nepal. Many other politicians of UP and Bihar were found in smuggling activities with ISI activists in Nepal by R&AW details of which were sent to Government but no action was taken (Page 454-455).

3. Nepal King offered Asylum to Indira Gandhi for his son Rajiv Gandhi, after emergency, but R&AW chief advised her to refuse this offer.

4. Morarji Desai, former Prime Minister was depicted as CIA agent by USA without any documentary proof. This is clarified in chapter 13 that another Indian politician Y.B. Chavan was the main suspect instead of Morarji Desai in this regard. Also, President Nixon called Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi as bitch.

5. There are other details regarding success of R&AW in Bangladesh liberation war and merger of Sikkim with India.M

6. George Bush Sr. and Sir Maurice Old-Field, head of MI-6, the ‘James Bond’ of British fiction were personal friend of RN Kao, the founder of R&AW. (Chapter 1)

7. Britishers created an intelligence department to keep watch on Netaji Subhash Chander Bose and other freedom fighters? (See chapter 2)

8. Article 370 was enacted by Jawaharlal Nehru to appease the ego of Sheikh Abdullah who later betrayed him. IB ultimately arrested Sheikh for treason. (Details in chapter 3)

9. In 1955, young RN Kao was felicitated by the Chinese Premier Chou En-Lai with a dinner in Peking for his investigation in the sabotage of an Indian plane. (Chapter 4).

10. Kao was deputed by Indian Government to create intelligence department of Ghana, a coastal African country. He successfully did it. This constitutes a major achievement for India in the face of stiff resistance from CIA and MI-6. (Chapter 5)<>p/> 11. In 1949, Intelligence Bureau (IB) opened check-posts on Tibet borders without any support from the army. This arduous task continued till 1959 when Chinese massacred the patrolling policemen. IB gave intelligence inputs about disposition of Chinese army but the army bosses disputed the reports and faced humiliation in the 1962 debacle. (Details in chapter 6)

12. 85 reports of IB were given as proof to the Government to counter claim of army that there were no civil intelligence in 1965 war with Pakistan. (See chapter 7)

13. R&AW commandos liberated the eastern part of Bangladesh from the occupation of Pakistan army. Mukti Bahini created by R&AW forced Pakistani army to surrender before the Indian army in a brief war of 14 days. 93000 soldiers were captured who were psychologically tutored by the R&AW officers to work for democracy in Pakistan. Kao got an Indian aeroplance hijacked to Lahore to ban the Pakistani flights over the Indian territory. (Chapter 8 – Bangladesh war)*

14. Sikkim was merged with Indian territory by Kao with the help of three of his senior officers which is remarkable. ( See chapter 9)

15. Mujib was warned by Kao about a coup by his army officers to which he laughed away and ultimately got assassinated by those officers (Chapter 10)

16. R&AW never interfered in the internal affairs of India during Emergency imposed by Indira Gandhi from June, 1975 to 1977. (See details in chapter 11)

17. There was s strike in R&AW in November, 1980. First time in the history of any intelligence agency. (See reasons in chapter 12)

18. Nixon called Indira Gandhi a bitch and the American writer Harsh depicted Morarji Desai as CIA agent. (Details in chapter 13).

19. Rabinder Singh, R&AW Joint Secretary working for CIA was given information and documents by more than 50 officers of R&AW. 19 of these officers were indicted by the inquiry officer. None was prosecuted in the court. (See details in chapter 17)

20. Many questionable happenings in R&AW which still require explanation and justification. (Chapter 18)

21. R&AW denigrated after Kao. (See details of every R&AW chief in chapter 19)

22. Sex related incidents of politicians and R&AW officers. (Chapter 20)

23. Enactment of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir on October 17, 1949 by Shri Jawaharlal Nehru was to appease the ego of Sheikh Abdullah who later betrayed him and was ultimately arrested by intelligence Bureau (IB) for treason. Soon after accession with India, Sheikh desired independent status for J&K which was reported by IB to Nehru. In order to sidetrack this allegation, Sheikh demanded the abdication of Maharaja Hari Singh whom he accused for the massacre of Muslims in Jammu region. Nehru conceded to this illegitimate demand of Sheikh Abdullah and in May, 1949, Yuvraj Karan Singh took over his place and was assigned the status of an agent of Maharaja. These actions of Sheikh Abdullah emboldened him who perceived that Indian Government was at his mercy and he fully exploited this situation in his nefarious designs. He was subsequently started hobnobbing with Pakistan when IB got him arrested when full evidence were found against him. (Page 34-35)


RN Kao: Founder of R&AW
Formation of IB and R&AW
Rebellion of Sheikh Abdullah
Sabotage of ‘Kashmir Princess’
Creation of Ghana Intelligence
War of China
Pakistan War –1965
Liberation of Bangladesh
Merger of Sikkim
Assassination of Sheikh Mujib
Emergency and R&AW
Revolt in R&AW
Morarji Desai–CIA agent and Indira Gandhi: American Deception
Vanished R&AW Spies
CIA Trapped Rattan Sehgal
Purulia Arms Mystery
Rabinder Singh–CIA Agent
Bizarre R&AW Incidents
Denigradation of R&AW
Sex Escapdes

ISBN - 9788170494744

Pages : 542
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