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  Finite Elements Methods: For Structural Engineers

Finite Elements Methods: For Structural Engineers

by Wail N. Al-Rifaie, Ashok K. Govil

  Price : Rs 160.00
  Your Price : Rs 144.00
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  (for Structural Engineers)

The book presents the basic ideas of the finite element method so that it can be used as a textbook in the curriculum for undergraduate and graduate engineering courses. In the presentation of fundamentals and derivations care had been taken not to use an advanced mathematical approach, rather the use of matrix algebra and calculus is made.

Further no effort is being made to include the intricacies of the computer programming aspect, rather the material is presented in a manner so that the readers can understand the basic principles using hand calculations.

However, a list of computer codes is given. Several illustrative examples are presented in a detailed stepwise manner to explain the various steps in the application of the method. A fairly comprehensive references list at the end of each chapter is given for additional information and further study. ISBN - 9788122424102

Pages : 208
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