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   Environmental Engineering

Environmental Engineering

by Anil Kumarde , Arnab Kumarde

  Price : Rs 100.00
  Your Price : Rs 90.00
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  This book is suitably designed for Polytechnic students of N-E, region in particular and in general for students all over India with the intention of fulfilling the mission of promoting environmental education and culture, as well serves as a textbook for full time courses in the educational institutions. The book introduces the basic concepts of environment, its physical features and human intervention factors in environment and also explains its various dimensions-ecology, air, water, soil and radioactive pollution, public health, resource conservation and management, environmental policies, etc.

Highlights of the book:

Exposure to basic concepts of environment in multidimensional aspects.
Subject matter is presented in a simple and lucid style throughout the book with less stress on technical bias.
Glossary of key terms (Appendix) is included for better comprehension.
Feedback exercises are included as a chapter to reinforce the understanding of the subject. ISBN - 9788122424621

Pages : 208
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