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   Male Contraception: Present and Future

Male Contraception: Present And Future

by M. Rajalakshmi , P. D. Griffin

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 675.00
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  The need for couples to assume joint responsibility for determining the number of children they have, and the timing of their births, is becoming increasingly recognized and accepted worldwide. A substantial number of men, in virtually all cultures, have expressed a desire to share the responsibility of contraception with their partners. To make this a reality, effective, safe, acceptable, and affordable methods of male fertility regulation are needed. The current state of research in this field was reviewed in an international symposium financially supported by various funding agencies.

The symposium reviewed the opportunities available for intervention at the testicular and post-testicular level. The current status of development and clinical testing of hormonal and immunocontraceptive methods as well as vasocclusive and intravasal methods were reviewed. The symposium also focused on the issues that would increase male involvement in fertility regulation and the future directions in the field of male contraception. This volume contains the papers presented at the symposium and will be of interest to scientists, clinicians and policy makers in the fields of reproductive biology, contraceptive development and reproductive health. ISBN - 9788122411362

Pages : 424
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