Management is a multidimensional discipline. A modern business chief executive needs astrong vision, energy and drive, in order to push and pull teams and the organisationforward. A strong and effectively communicated vision can prove to beimpressive, stimulating and attractive for others and it is bound to further motivate them toachieve business goals and aspirations. In the wake of it, the measurement and managementof the brand value has become a major issue for marketers and market researchers, over thepast several decades. The concept of brand value and brand equity goes well beyond thelegal concept of a trademark or the accounting concept of goodwill`s. Brand equityencompasses a gestalt of intrinsic values or equities that add to the tangible and measurablebenefits delivered by a particular product or service. A brand`s equity therefore becomes part of the trade-off consumer consideration, as he first, selects his consideration set, thendecides, which product or service to go for.
As a new branch of Business Management, Brand Equity Management, needs an exclusiveguide for comprehending the brand equity concept well. Hence, this study, with a perfectdescription of all aspects concerned.ISBN - 8183188944
Pages : 920