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  The Greatest Minds And Ideas Of All Time

The Greatest Minds And Ideas Of All Time

by Will Durant

  Price : Rs 499.00
  Your Price : Rs 409.18
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  The Greatest Minds And Ideas Of All Time is a neat compilation of the author’s selection of humanity’s greatest ideas and achievements and personalities.

The author begins by explaining the need to look back and acknowledge the great achievements of humanity, and revere the great minds through human history. For this is the legacy of the human species, and this is what can provide inspiration for further progress.

In his selection of the best, he begins with thinkers first. Thought is abstract and hard to define, but it is the base of all achievements, so he lists his pick of the great thinkers of humanity like Confucius and Darwin. The author then moves on to list great poets. He picks Homer, Dante, Shakespeare and Shelley among others in his choice of poets. He then moves on to list the hundred greatest books.

Books are recorded thoughts, and reading has long been one of humanity’s ways of acquiring and expanding knowledge. The author here selects hundred books that he thinks will help advance human thought. He divides the hundred books into 12 groups.

The first two small groups are introductory books on knowledge, and books on Asia and Africa. Then he lists book on Greece and Rome, the age of Christianity, The Italian Renaissance, Europe in the sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, America, and finally, the tenth group dealing with the twentieth century.

Next, The Greatest Minds And Ideas Of All Time moves on to the field of human achievements. The author lists Fire, Speech, Agriculture, Tools, Morality, Science, and Writing among his picks. He then moves on to list what he considers are the twelve vital dates in human history. He picks the death of Socrates, Confucius and Buddha, and the birth of Christ, the invention of the Gutenberg press, Columbus’ discovery of America, the invention of the steam engine, and the French revolution among his selections.

The Greatest Minds And Ideas Of All Time has compiled a series of essays by the author, in which he listed his picks of the greatest in thought, achievements, dates etc.ISBN - 9780743235532

Pages : 144
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