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  Introduction to Constitution of India (Bengali Translation)

Introduction To Constitution Of India (Bengali Translation)

by Durga Das Basu

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 315.00
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  "An introductory study on the Constitution, the book has its relevance in India and abroad. Some of the salient features of this translated edition are: ¢ The present work offers systematic exposition of the constitutional document in the form of a narrative, properly arranged under logical chapters and topical headings ¢ It traces the constitutional history of India since the Government of India Act, 1935; analyses the provisions of the present Constitution and explains the inter-relation between its diverse contents ¢ It gives an account of the working of each of the provisions of the Constitution during its first decade with reference to statutes and decisions wherever necessary, together with a critical estimate of its trends, in a concluding chapter ¢ The analytical Table of Contents, Marginal Notes, Index and the Graphic Tables at the end of the book will serve as admirable aids ¢ The three Legislative lists have been printed side by side for the convenience of reference ¢ The change made by the different Constitution Amendment Acts upto the 98th Amendment and the reorganisation of the States made by various statutes may be seen at a glance ¢ Without going into excessive detail, the footnotes and references have been printed at the end of each Chapter so that the advanced student and the researcher may profit by pursuing those references, after his study of the contents of each chapter ¢ The status of Jammu and Kashmir and the provisions of its State Constitution have been fully dealt with. Contains elaborate comments on separatism in Punjab, Assam & elsewhere" ISBN 9788180389276

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