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   MAT 17 Years Topic Wise Solved Papers (1997-2013) 5th Edition

Mat 17 Years Topic Wise Solved Papers (1997-2013) 5Th Edition

by Deepak Agarwal, Shipra Agarwal

  Price : Rs 475.00
  Your Price : Rs 403.75
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Topic wise Solved Papers are the most important resources must for every student for 3 reasons: 1. They show what types of questions have been asked in the actual exam knowledge, understanding, application, analytical, conceptual, numerical etc. 2. They show the trend of the paper over the past years helps in understanding the examiners psyche to understand what to expect and what not to expect in the exam. 3. To spot the most important and least important topics for the exam the number of questions asked from each topic in the various years. MAT 17 years Topic wise Solved Papers (1997-2013) consists of detailed solutions of the past 17 years of MAT question papers distributed in 47 topics. The book is divided into 5 sections - Mathematical Skills, Language Comprehension, Data Analysis and sufficiency, Intelligence and Critcal Reasoning and Indian and Global Enviroment. These 5 sections are further divided into 47 chapters. The book contains MCQs that appear in most of the competitive exams. A lot of MAT questions appear in such competitive exams. Thus the book is also helpful for other exams like CMAT, NMAT, ATMA, IRMA, SNAP, Bank PO, Bank Clerk, SSC, Railways, etc. The book also contains a comprehensive 24 page Question Bank on General Awareness with special focus on business, current affairs, person and their associated fields, etc. To summarise, the book is aimed to serve as one stop solution for all major Competitive Exams. The book contains 5200+ Milestone problems for the major Competitive Exams. The book is fully solved and provides detailed explanation to each and every question. The layout of the book is so simple that a student can prepare/revise a topic and then solve the previous year questions of that topic from this book. Table of Contents

Current Affairs & Business Update Question Bank

Section I: English Language
Chapter 1. Reading Comprehension
Chapter 2. Synonyms and Antonyms
Chapter 3. Analogy
Chapter 4. Odd One Out
Chapter 5. Filler
Chapter 6. Idioms and Phrases
Chapter 7. Spotting Errors
Chapter 8. Phrase, Sentence Improvement
Chapter 9. Sentence Construction
Chapter 10. Miscellaneous

Section II: Mathematical Skills
Chapter 1. Number System
Chapter 2. Percentage and Interest
Chapter 3. Profit, Loss and Discount
Chapter 4. Average, Ratio and Proportion, Mixture
Chapter 5. Time and Work/Speed and Distance
Chapter 6. Algebra, Progression, Set Theory
Chapter 7. Geometry
Chapter 8. Mensuration
Chapter 9. Trigonometry
Chapter 10. Permutation, Combination, Probability

Section III: Intelligence & Critical Reasoning
Chapter 1. Analogy & Odd One Out
Chapter 2. Alphabetical and Numerical Series
Chapter 3. Coding - Decoding
Chapter 4. Direction, Time and Clock Test
Chapter 5. Ordering
Chapter 6. Blood Relation
Chapter 7. Quant Based Reasoning
Chapter 8. Venn Diagram
Chapter 9. Visual Reasoning, Cube and Dice
Chapter 10. Analytical and Puzzle Reasoning
Chapter 11. Critical Reasoning
Chapter 12. Syllogism
Chapter 13. Statement and Conclusion
Chapter 14. Statement and Assumptions
Chapter 15. Statement and Arguments
Chapter 16. Statement and Courses of Action
Chapter 17. Assertion and Reason
Chapter 18. Cause and Effect
Chapter 19. Logical Deduction
Chapter 20. Evaluation of Inference and Decision Making

Section IV: Data Interpretation & Sufficiency
Chapter 1. Line Graphs
Chapter 2. Data Tables
Chapter 3. Pie Charts
Chapter 4. Bar Charts
Chapter 5. Triangular Bar Diagram/Passage Based Data
Chapter 6. Data Comparing and Sufficiency

Section V: Indian and Global Environment
Chapter 1. History and Culture
Chapter 2. Indian Polity
Chapter 3. Geography
Chapter 4. Indian Economy
Chapter 5. Traditional G.K Miscellaneous
Chapter 6. Science and Technology
Chapter 7. Sports
Chapter 8. Trade and Business Awareness
Chapter 9. Current Affairs
ISBN - 9789383379606

Pages : 624
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