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   Leadership and Professionalism for New Age Libraries

Leadership And Professionalism For New Age Libraries

by P. K. Jain, Tariq Ashraf, Shantanu Ganguly, Debal C Kar

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  Leadership and Professionalism for New Age Libraries deals with an important question of Ethics.
Professionalism and Leadership which sometime appear to be abstract and ambiguous—but lead to different kind of results when we manage organisatioins through these virtues. Leadership , an intrinsic managerial function has both ethical and professional connotations and serious implications. Leadership is not just about how to lead to reach specific goals, but what ethical affects leadership has.

“Ethics aren’t morals themselves but the meaning of moral ways and actions”. Professionalism is a more nuanced quality related both to mind and heart of an individual. Leadership is about those who are in a position to make decisions; create opinions and attitudes.

It is more then just managing. Because leaders have to lead by example, their words, actions, and values play a huge role in their success. Responsibility and credibility are two of the most important elements of leadership; each is deeply based on the interaction with others. Because every action, even the smallest, has an impact, ethics are always part of the decision-making process. Ethics are not a rulebook for great decisions. True leaders know that every decision has to be carried by responsibility and credibility. To be recognized as a leader, one requires to exude trust.

Professional development and leadership skills are crucial for any organisation, particularly in service areas like libraries. It is in this context that the theme of this conference becomes important as it deliberates upon these issues in a context which has never been treaded upon.

The principal objective of this conference is to provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge
and skills relevant to Information professionals. This conference intends to offer an opportunity to put forward innovative plans, debate classic ideas, and promote closer cooperation among colleagues. It has solicited high quality research papers and provide an international forum for researchers, developers and practitioners to
present applied and theoretical research findings in following context.

Instructional leadership that focuses on strengthening teaching and learning, professional development, data-driven decision making and accountability.
Community leadership manifested in a big-picture awareness of the role libraries in society; shared leadership among educators, close relations with users; and advocacy for capacity building and service development.
Visionary leadership that demonstrates energy, commitment, entrepreneurial spirit, the opportunity for all LIS professionals to learn the benefits gained by investing in high levels of ethical values and commitment to the profession as well as inspiring others.

It is a matter of great satisfaction that conference has received overwhelming response particularly in view of the fact that it is a first initiative of its kind. The issues related with ethics, professionalism and leadership have been dealt with elaborately by scholars and discussed in the context of library profession. Being service institutions, library have to function both ethically and professionally which demands a strong leadership. Despite all of us being in an essentially academic profession, the managerial and leadership function which we have to perform can not be glossed over. The conference volume deals with all these issues threadbare which are slated for further deliberation and discussion during the conference itself. We are sure that this conference volume will be an immense value addition to LIS literature and shall be received by library professionals in a positive sprit. ISBN - 9789380574349

Pages : 385
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