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  Labour Regulation in Indian Industry (10 Volumes Set)

Labour Regulation In Indian Industry (10 Volumes Set)

by T S Papola

  Price : Rs 2495.00
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  This compendium of ten volumes represents the final output of the project on Labour Regulation in Indian Industry carried out by the Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID) with the financial support from EU-India office under their Small Project Facility Programme (SPF). It brings together the findings and conclusions of eight studies on different aspects of the subject with reference to India undertaken by the Institute and the ninth one on the European experience commissioned by the International Institute for Labour Studies, ILO, Geneva, the external partner in the project. The tenth volume presents the salient aspects of the nature, extent and consequences of labour regulation, as brought out in different studies and puts forward an agenda for reforms in the regulatory system for employment in Indian industry which could be both pro-growth and pro-worker.

The subject of labour regulation has been under intense debate and discussion for over more than a decade. Arguments have, however, been on partisan lines, as broadly presented above, representing the views of industry and neo-liberal economists and ‘reformists’, on the one hand, and those of trade unions and other supporters of labour and ‘institutional’ economics, on the other. Government, always keen to take a reconciliatory position has not been able to take a decisive step. It has recognised the need for ‘labour reforms’, and also seem to be inclined towards permitting greater ‘flexibility’; but has not succeeded in bringing in legislation towards that end, mainly because of the conflicting stands of the main stakeholders, industry and labour. A reason for this uncertainty lies in the lack of adequate documentation, research and informed discussion to improve understanding of the issues and implications. No doubt, the issues involved are, to a large extent, political in nature; but a better understanding of the empirical situation and economic and social pros and cons of the reforms would certainty help make the debate less polemical and more result-oriented.

This compendium brings together the findings of several studies that were undertaken to review labour legislation and policy in terms of their objectives, coverage, contents and practices; critically appraise the past research and documentation on the impact of labour regulation measures on growth and employment in industry; study the impact of labour regulations on the growth and employment in small and micro enterprises; assess the effectiveness of legislative measures for ensuring labour standards; undertake case studies on labour regulation and industrial growth and employment in four selected states, i.e., Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal; and study of measures of labour regulation in European countries with special reference to France, Sweden and the United Kingdom. ISBN - 9788189640637

Pages : 1348
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