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  Workplace Wars and How to End Them: Turning Personal Conflicts into Productive Teamwork?

Workplace Wars And How To End Them: Turning Personal Conflicts Into Productive Teamwork?

by Kenneth Kaye

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 212.50
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  Every workplace has its disagreements and always will. But disruptive conflicts can and should be resolved if the organization and the individuals involved are to move forward. In this immensely helpful guide, business psychologist Kenneth Kaye shows how to build the kind of teamwork that recognizes conflict quickly, deals with it constructively, and parlays it expertly into creativity and growth.

The author provides a consistent system—not a random bunch of “feel-good” quick fixes—for managing conflict among people who must work together closely. Flowcharts, scenarios, and real-world examples lead the reader through the following progressive steps :

1. Look for shared goals and win/win solutions.

2. Clarify, sort, and value differences.

3. Gain commitment to change.

4. Analyze the recurring cycle of problems and their chronic patterns.

5. Try unilateral change, when needed (if both parties won’t bend, maybe one will).

The author helps begin the rooting-out process, then demonstrates how to weave each step into an approach that becomes a way of life throughout the organization.

“A thoroughly practical, readable book for people involved in conflicts and for managers overseeing people in conflict situations. Dr. Kaye draws useful lessons from his years of experience working with people in business conflicts. The book contains a well-conceived framework for problem solving, woven with practical examples from real business situation.” ISBN - 9788120345983

Pages : 176
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