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  Perception the Pratyaksa Khanda of the Tattvacintamani  (2 Volume))

Perception The Pratyaksa Khanda Of The Tattvacintamani (2 Volume))

by V.P Bhatta

  Price : Rs 4500.00
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  The Navya-Nyaya, which heralded a new era in the development of Logic in India, has brought out a revolutiontionary change in the outlook of the Nyaya philosophy. It has systematized all the Nyaya and Vaisheshika theories under the four heads, viz. perception (pratyaksha), inference (anumana), analogy (upamana) and word (Shabda). The Thought jewel of Reality (Tattvachintamani), which is composed by Gangeshopadhyay of Mithila, deals with all the important aspects of Indian philosophy, logic and linguistics; and it sets a standard for the scholarly discussions in the post 12th century in India. The Thought Jewel of Reality recognized only first of the sixteen categories of the Nyayasystem, viz. means of valid knowledge (pramana) and brought all the other categories under the means of knowledge. Perception, The pratyakshakhanda of the Tattvachintamani, is divided into thirteen parts. It provides a comprenensive view of perception as a means of knowledge. Further, it covers all the important aspects of Indian philsophy, viz. validity or authoritativeness of knowledge, perception as a means of knowledge, existence and non-existence of things, theory of recognition and determinate and indeterminate knowledges. Thus, the work with introduction, Sanskrit text, translation and explamation is the most authoritative manual on Indian Philosophy.ISBN-9788178542195

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