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  Acid Soils: Their Chemistry and Management

Acid Soils: Their Chemistry And Management

by A.K. Sakar,

  Price : Rs 1495.00
  Your Price : Rs 1495.00
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  Soil Acidity is one of the major intrinsic soil-related constraints limiting the production potential of these soils for crop growth. About 30 million hectares of cultivated land in the country is highly acidic with soil pH ranging from 4.5 to 5.5. Crop diversity, cropping intensity, crop productivity and profitability in these areas are very low, resulting in livelihood insecurity, poverty, and slow pace of development. The Chemistry of soil acidity has been one of the much researched domains in Soil Science.

The book covers various management practices with practical application in the cultivation of these soils for diverse crops and cropping systems and plantation crops. Emphasis has been laid on amelioration of Acid soils and nutrient use in crops to improve the agricultural productivity. Problems and prospects of suitable soil amendments, their availability, quality and cost have been discussed in detail. Chapters for the book have been written by scientists, who are engaged in this work for the past two to three decades. the "Way Forward" suggests the Technology and steps to be taken for managing such soils and the expected economic gain, so that the State Governments draw the needed Action Plan and implement them with all seriousnessISBN - 9789381450383

Pages : 330
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