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   Microbial Diversity and Functions

Microbial Diversity And Functions

by D. J. Bagyaraj, K Tilak

  Price : Rs 2250.00
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  Since their very first appearance on this planet, themicroorganisms have benefitted our society in many ways. They aresupposed to be the simplest but most versatile and talentedproducts of evolution. They thrive in habitats extremely hostile tohuman life and are infinitely more skilled than any human chemistin their synthetic activities. Their rich diversity and theirfunctional aspects make them indispensable components of ourecosystems.

This book has been published on the eve of 75th Birth Day ofProf. Sudhir Chandra, Former Head and Emeritus Professor,Department of Botany, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, who iswell known for his concern to the microbes and made significantcontributions in exploring their beneficial activities in differentecosystems.

The book contains 31 articles written by distinguishedscientists of the country having expertise in dealing with themicrobes and exploiting their potential for the benefits ofmankind. The articles included in the book are thought provocatingand deals with: the topics of Taxonomy, Diversity and Applicationsof VAM fungi in different Ecosystems

Applications of Microbial Technology for Treatment of effluentsof a Gelatine Factory, Biodiversity of Mycotoxigenic Fungi andTrichoderma

Useful microbes of Mangrove Ecosystem, Extremophiles, PGPRs,Phytotoxins, Litter decomposition, Biopesticides, BotanicalPesticides, biofertilizers and so many others including majorconcerns about the Evolution and Conservation of MicrobialBiodiversity.ISBN - 9789381450109

Pages : 706
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