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  An Introduction to Population Genetics Theory

An Introduction To Population Genetics Theory

by James F. Kimura, Motoo Kimura

  Price : Rs 1950.00
  Your Price : Rs 1950.00
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  This text book, originally published in 1970, presents the field of population genetics, starting with elementary concepts and leading the reader well into the field. It is concerned mainly with population genetics in a strict sense and deals primarily with natural populations and less fully with the rather similar problems that arise in breading live stock and cul t i vat ed plans . The emphasis is on the behavior of genes and population attributes under natural selection where the most important measure is Darwinian fitness. This text is intended for graduate
students and advanced undergraduates in genetics and population biology. This book steers a middle course between completely verbal biological arguments and the rigor of the mathematician. The first two-thirds of the book do not require advanced mathematical background. An ordinary knowledge of calculus will suffice. The latter parts of the book, which deal with population stochastically, use more advanced methods.ISBN - 9788172336240

Pages : 591
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