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  Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, 1/e

Design Of Reinforced Concrete Structures, 1/E

by N. Subramanian

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Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures is designed to meet the requirements of undergraduate students of civil and structural engineering. This book will also be an invaluable reference to postgraduate students and practising engineers and researchers.

This book provides an extensive coverage of the design of reinforced concrete structures in accordance with the current Indian codes of practice (IS 456:2000 and IS 13920:1993). As some of the Indian code provisions are outdated, the American code (ACI 318:2011) provisions are used wherever necessary. In addition, discussion on earthquake-resistant design and detailing is provided, as about 60 per cent of India falls under moderate to severe earthquake zones. The text is based on the modern limit states design and covers topics such as the properties of concrete, structural forms, and loadings. Besides, discussion on the behaviour of various structural elements such as compression and tension members, beams, slabs, foundations, walls, and joints and design and detailing for flexure, shear, torsion, bond, tension, compression, uniaxial and biaxial bending and interaction of these forces make it an invaluable guide for students and designers.

The book also provides appendices on strut-and-tie-method, properties of soils, design aids, and practical tips and thumb rules that add value to the rich content of book. For interested readers, more than 1300 references and numerous web links are provided in the chapters for further study and research.

A book designed to meet the requirements of undergraduate & postgraduate students of civil and structural engineering.

"In a single volume it covers all topics both lucidly and comprehensively."
- Dr P. Suryanarayana, Professor & Former Dean, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal

"This book on concrete structures is outstanding in every way & unique in many aspects."
- Dr B. Vijaya Rangan, Emeritus Professor of Civil Engineering, Curtin University, Perth, Australia

Based on the latest version of IS 456:2000 and IS 13920:1993 and includes latest developments and state-of-the-art trends
Provides over 750 illustrative figures and photographs and 200 tables to supplement the theory
Provides over 150 worked-out examples that illustrate step-by-step design processes that facilitate easier understanding and assimilation of concepts
Includes over 850 review questions and over 160 numerical problems to test the understanding of students
Presents 23 case studies from actual practice that reflect on structural developments and failures
Presents a chapter on multi-storey buildings using STAAD.Pro software.

Chapter 1. Introduction to Reinforced Concrete
Chapter 2. Structural Forms
Chapter 3. Loads and Load Combinations
Chapter 4. Basis of Structural Design
Chapter 5. Flexural Analysis and Design of Beams
Chapter 6. Design for Shear
Chapter 7. Design for Effective Bond between Concrete and Steel
Chapter 8. Design for Torsion
Chapter 9. Design of One-way Slabs
Chapter 10. Design of Two-way Slabs
Chapter 11. Design of Flat Plates and Flat Slabs
Chapter 12. Serviceability Limit States: De?ection and Crack Control
Chapter 13. Design of Axially Loaded Short Columns
Chapter 14. Design of Columns with Moments
Chapter 15. Design of Footings and Pile Caps
Chapter 16. Design of RC Walls and Structural Walls
Chapter 17. Design of Staircases
Chapter 18. Design of Tension Members
Chapter 19. Design of Joints
Chapter 20. Design of Multi-storey Buildings

Appendix A. Properties of Soils
Appendix B. Design Using Strut-and-tie Model
Appendix C. Analysis and Design Aids
Appendix D. Practical Tips and Some Rules of Thumb
Appendix E. Conversion Factors
ISBN 9780198086949

Pages : 880
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