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  Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway

by Susan Jeffers

  Price : Rs 499.00
  Your Price : Rs 399.20
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  Susan Jeffers presents the twentieth edition of her bestselling title Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway. Celebrating twenty years of success, this latest edition of the book comes with a new introduction by the author. This self-help guide is designed to help all those people who wish to get over fear and do things that they have always wished to but could not. Fear is something that everybody faces at some point of time in their lives. People are afraid of beginnings, endings, public speaking, ageing, being alone, getting stuck, changing, relationships, driving, intimacy, making decisions, and many other things. Jeffers shares sure shot techniques to overcome all such fears and heal pain.

Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway: The Phenomenal Classic That Has Changed The Lives Of Millions teaches how to handle different kinds of anxieties. It offers useful insights and tips on how to handle any situation. One will learn how to become powerful, energetic, and enthusiastic. Jeffers reveals the secrets that have the power to change one’s relationship with fear. This inspirational book includes compassionate concepts along with exercises to make positive use of fear and make it work in one’s favor. Dr. Jeffers lists down ways to get rid of negative thinking patterns. She explains how to re-educate the mind to make it think positively. The reader learns how to risk a little on daily basis, develop goals to extend one’s limitations, let go off of one’s insecurities, and how to develop positive thinking.

In Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway: The Phenomenal Classic That Has Changed The Lives Of Millions, internationally acclaimed author Jeffers shares her personal experiences with fear. She shares a courageous method that she formulated for herself to conquer fear. She believes that uncertainty of change and lack of positive image result in fear. In this book, she provides simple answers, avoiding any psychological lingo. Several case studies are included that show how to cope with fear before it becomes an obstacle to living a happy and fulfilled life. Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway is a dynamic book that comprises concrete techniques to convert passivity into assertiveness. It is a modern classic book that has changed the lives of millions of readers.ISBN-9780091907075

Pages : 240
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