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  Research Methods in Plant Sciences: Allelopathy Vol.3 (Plant Pathogens)

Research Methods In Plant Sciences: Allelopathy Vol.3 (Plant Pathogens)

by V. Pal , S.S Narwal

  Price : Rs 1450.00
  Your Price : Rs 1450.00
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  Allelopathy is a new field of science, as the term `Allelopathy` was coined by Prof. Hans Molisch, a German Plant Physiologist in 1937. Till now lot of Allelopathy research work has been done in various fields of Agricultural and Plant Sciences. However, there is no compilation of various Research Methods used. Every scientist is conducting research in his own way. It is causing lot of problems to researchers working in underdeveloped/Third World Countries in small towns without Library facilities. Therefore, to make available the standard methods for conducting allelopathy research independently, this multi-volume book has been planned. Since allelopathy is multi-disciplinary area of research, hence, volumes have been planned for each discipline.
Prof. S.S. Narwal has planned this multi-volume Book Research Methods in Plant Sciences: Allelopahty. Three volumes (Volume 1. Soil Analysis, Volume 2. Plant Protection and Volume 3. Plant Pathogens) of this Book have been released during the IV. International Allelopathy Conference, 2004 at Hisar (India). Five volumes (Volume 4. Plant Analysis, Volume 5. Physiological Processes, Volume 6. Biochemical Processes, Volume 7. Forestry/Agroforestry Research and Volume 8. Isolation, Identification and Characterization of allelochemicals are under preparation.
This volume has 11 Chapters, divided in three Sections viz., Entomology, Nematology and Weeds. It provides complete information about the various techniques used for Allelopathy Research in the field of Entomology, Nematology and Weeds. It is written in a simple and lucid language. It will be very useful to undergraduate and Post graduate students and Faculty for used in Class room and Laboratory experiments and research. We are thankful to Prof. G. S. Dhaliwal, Department of Entomology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana and Prof. V. Mojumder, Division of Nematology, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi for Peer Review of Entomology and Nematology Manuscripts. ISBN - 9788172333862

Pages : 235
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