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  Nonlinear Dynamics: Integrability, Chaos and Patterns

Nonlinear Dynamics: Integrability, Chaos And Patterns

by M. Lakshmanan, S. Rajasekar

  Price : Rs 795.00
  Your Price : Rs 715.50
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  Integrability, chaos and patterns are three of the most important concepts in nonlinear dynamics. These are covered in this book from fundamentals to recent developments. The book presents a self-contained treatment of the subject to suit the needs of students, teachers and researchers in physics, mathematics, engineering and applied sciences who wish to gain a broad knowledge of nonlinear dynamics. It describes fundamental concepts, theoretical procedures, experimental and numerical techniques and technological applications of nonlinear dynamics. Numerous examples and problems are included to facilitate the understanding of the concepts and procedures described. In addition to 16 chapters of main material, the book contains 10 appendices which present in-depth mathematical formulations involved in the analysis of various nonlinear systems.

Table of Contents
1. What is Nonlinearity
2. Linear and Nonlinear Ascillators
3. Qualitative Features
4. Brifuractions and Onset of Chaos in Dissipative Syatems
5. Chaos in Dissipative Nonlinear Oscillators and criteria for chaos
6. Chaos in nonlinear Elecronic Circuits
7. Chaos in Conservative System
8. Characteristics of regular and Chaotic Motions
9. Further Developments in Chaotic Dynamics
10. Finite Dimensional Interable Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
11. Linear and Nonlinear Dispersive Waves
12. Kortewag de vries Equations and Solitons
13. Basic Soliton Theory of kdV Equation
14. Other Ubiquitous Soliton Equations
15. Spatio Temporal Patterns
16. Nonlinear Dynamics from theory to technologyISBN - 9788181280121

Pages : 672
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