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   Basic Microwave Techniques and Laboratory Manual

Basic Microwave Techniques And Laboratory Manual

by M.L. Sisodia , G. S. Raghuvanshi

  Price : Rs 170.00
  Your Price : Rs 153.00
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  This text provides the basic theoretical and practical guidelines to meaningful laboratory experience in microwave techniques to the students of the first course on microwave electronics. The material is based on the experience of the authors in organising the laboratory work on microwave electronics. Largely, it is self-contained text which fills a bid gap between Abstract Theory and Experimental Technique. The text and the experiments have been designed with a list of equipment and an experimental procedure has been given for each experiment. The instructions contained in the procedure are the explicit and develop the necessary skill in the student.

The first three chapters deals with transmission line theory, slotted coaxial line techniques and slotted wave guide techniques. Chapters four and five discuss the sources of microwave power in laboratory-Klystron and Gunn Oscillator. Chapters 5, 6 and 7 explain the directoral coupler, waveguide-E and H-plane tees and the study of Magic Tee. Attenuation and microwave power measurements are discussed in chapters nine and fourteen respectively. Chapter thirteen is on reflectometer land sweep frequency techniques. Dielectric measurements are discussed in detail in chapter fifteen, specially for those students of Physics and Chemistry, who wanting to use microwave as a tool to probe organic system. All these chapters are upgraded in this edition and new chapter on microwave has been added.

The book is meant for Honours and Postgraduate students of Physics. The students of engineering opting for electrical and electronics courses can also use it as a basic text. Those engaged in communication, remote sensing, solid state spectroscopy and storm detection etc. would find it a useful handbook. ISBN - 9788122421378

Pages : 224
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