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   A Handbook of Verbal Reasoning

A Handbook Of Verbal Reasoning

by Surendra Nath Banerjee

  Price : Rs 200.00
  Your Price : Rs 180.00
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  The present book deals with the Verbal and Abstract reasoning only. The chapters contain the verbal, letter and word classifications tests, verbal analogy, series completion, coding-decoding tests, analytical reasoning tests, logical reasoning tests, syllogisms, statement tests, critical reasoning tests, abstract reasoning tests (both quantitative and qualitative), paper from board tests and surface development tests and a number of test papers on reasoning abilities for self evaluation. In each chapter there are analysis of answers along with the testing tactics. It is hoped that the said volume will be of much help not only to the students of different competitive examinations of India and abroad but also the paper setters, teachers and examiners of such category. ISBN - 9788122422351

Pages : 360
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