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  The Seven Magnificent

The Seven Magnificent

by A. N. Nankana

  Price : Rs 95.00
  Your Price : Rs 85.50
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  It is being recognized more than ever before that the Quality is the Sharpest Weapon to survive, compete and prosper. It calls for eternal endeavour of alternating sequences of activities for control and breakthrough. This virtually implies imbibing Quality Culture by all and sundry in the organization.

Efforts need to be focused on analysis of true, adequate and relevant data to be efficiently effective. This in turn requires scientific bent of mind, may we call it a Statistical Culture.

Statistics is a science is search of truth. It is a science that serves all other sciences and is master of none. It is a key technology consisting of preparing a problem bank, prioritising these, collecting relevant right amount of data, analyzing these and making recommendations, implementing these, stabilizing control and repeating the cycle to achieve the goal of being a leader, through continuous improvement both evolutionary and revolutionary.

Magnificent seven refer to the seven tools namely Cause and Effect Diagram, Check Sheet, Pareto Analysis, Stratification, Scatter Diagram, Histogram and Run Chart. These are treated in chapters 2 to 8. These are preceded by a chapter describing the associated terminologies, concepts & economic significance and succeeded by chapters on a composite case study using all the seven tools, organising for quality control and tips to imbibe Quality as a way of life through its ABC to habitually steer on the path of Continuous Improvement. The last chapter provides for Aptitude Test to assess Assimilation and the gap that needs to be bridged. These Elementary Basic Tools applied creatively embrace bulk of the problems often faced in day to day work.ISBN - 9788122416008

Pages : 172
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