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  Tribal Rights in India

Tribal Rights In India

by K Uma Devi Et Al.

  Price : Rs 750.00
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  The articles contributed by authors to this issues provide a panoramic view of the various provisions in national legislations as well as of the Multilateral Conventions and Treaties, tracing them from their evolutionary stage. The articles also highlight the limitations and atrocities caused to economic, social and cultural rights of tribal people, including tribal children, of India. The stark and gross violation of not only human rights but also their rights to be human is demonstrated by the empirical study of the tribal people in various districts in India.
About Author :
Dr. K. Uma Devi, M.A., L.L.B., Ph.D. is Professor and Head, Department of Law, Sri Padmavathi Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Thirupati. She is Chairperson ,Board of Studies in Law and Convener, Faculty Board, For LL.M. course offered through Distance Education Center, Sri Padmavathi Mahila Visvavidyalayam. She hailed from Vijayawada, Krishna Dsitrict, A.P. and did her LL.B., LL.M. & Ph.d. from Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P.
Dr. Neera Bharihoke, B.Sc., LL.M., Ph.D., is a lecturer in Faculty of Law, University of Delhi. She has pursued her research work in Constitutional Law in the field of right against exploitation. Her doctrinal study analyses and evaluates the importance of legal reforms in strengthening the process of economic liberalisation. She also has an exposure to Court`s process and procedures as she has practised in District Courts, Consumer Forums and High Court in Delhi, before she joined the avocation of teaching.
Contents :
Editorial Note
Social and Cultural Rights of Tribals
Human Rights Issues and Tribal Life
Pastoralists` Rights and Natural Resource Management
Legal Issues of Tribal Land Alienation
Public Health Care system and Tribal Rights in the Scheduled Areas of Orissa
Tribal Development Policy in Manipur: Relevance and Implications
Cultural Changes Resulting from Resettlement and Their Implications
The Human Rights and the Aborigines
Tribal Rights and Justice
Tribal Population in India
Constitutional Status of Scheduled Tribes in India
Public Policies and Legilsations on Land and Forest Rights of Tribals in Orissa
The So-called Development, Displacement and Dispossession
Impact of Displacement on the Formal and Informal Life of Tribals with Special Reference to Residence, Land and Forest Rights
The Status of Tribal Children in India: Policies and Programmes ISBN - 8183870589 , 9788183870580

Pages : 292
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