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   Psychology for B.Sc. Nursing

Psychology For B.Sc. Nursing

by A. B. Kutty

  Price : Rs 225.00
  Your Price : Rs 191.25
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  Psychology is both an applied and academic field that studies the human mind and behaviour. Research in psychology seeks to understand and explain how we think, act and feel. This book comprehensively deals with all aspects of Psychology (academic and applied) to help the students of Nursing and other health paradigms gain a complete insight of the human mind.

The book begins with the evolution and history of Psychology and its branches and moves on to the methods adopted by the contemporary psychologists in mapping the human brain. The book focuses on the applications of psychology in treating mental health patients, in performance enhancement and self-help. Psychological aspects of human mind and behaviour, like perception, learning, emotion, aptitude and intelligence are further exemplified and elucidated with the Clinical Problems associated with them.

The book also deals with the most important problem faced by the humans in the present era, i.e. Stress. It gives answers to the questions like what are the problems associated with the Stress and how one can cope with those problems. The modern day issues like lifestyle illness and attitudinal problems are also addressed in this book, elaborately. ISBN - 9788120347830

Pages : 256
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